Seek out an activity to your heart’s content
Perhaps it’s the legacy of 1980s fitness culture with its “you can’t catch a fish out of a pond without work” attitude, but many people still believe that exercise without suffering doesn’t count. But this “punitive” approach negates any benefits of physical activity, and in fact, the more you enjoy a workout, the more likely you are to do it again.
If you haven’t yet found an activity that brings you joy, try anything that piques your interest: trampolining, hiking, yoga, powerlifting. The key is to stay curious and recognize that you may try many things before you find something you truly love. Many people often think like there’s something wrong with them since they don’t enjoy the sport. It’s all about the fact that certain workouts just aren’t right for them.
Ask questions at the end of a new workout
Physical activity that you enjoy doesn’t necessarily have to be easy and gentle, and you don’t necessarily have to enjoy every minute of it. We often get more satisfaction from workouts that challenge our abilities and motivate us to overcome fears and obstacles.